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"Action speaks louder than words."

That's the time Almers give us a real impact for the millennial people. Whenever they have dirt inside and outside the rooms, they are here to serve and clean the surroundings, without any hesitations. I really never doubt about them: their normal competency and their good and simple attitude. Everywhere, I always saw them watering the soil, cleaning the floors, spending time with other people to get along with them, helping the students in any situations, and humbly making an honest reception to the students with a bit of good deed and honorable reputation. They doing their job as a human because these workers have families to carry and they are always rely on these workers who have determination to work hard and serve hard for the University as well as the manpower agency that they were work for. 

For more than 18 years, despite of some irregularities in the last 4 years, they are now leaving the university. And literally, that's sad to know. Many people reacted about this indigenous and untimely act of bidding farewell. The administrators justified their stand, and they did what is best to bid for the new one, without almost informing everyone. The title that I write represents the people who are highly contribute to the events made by the last 20 years. Examples are the following: they protect and clean the environment that led to the institution's one of the "Greenest University" in the Philippines and the world; they honestly brought back some items to the respective owners that led to the features of SWAFO's Honest Persons around the campus; and they helped the whole community to mandate and successfully create and design the things needed for a great event.

Sadly, it was disappointing because they have things to carry and to build things in the future. And because I felt them whether I talked to them or seeing them around, they are obviously make things possible, thanks to the smiles gave to us, the students. For those who are manpower workers or should I say "Almers", I am really proud of you, especially those who are in Chapel, Library, and LDH-FCH. I appreciate your works and no one can beat Almers in the first place. Thank you and this should be the farewell to them. Try to visit La Salle after Holy Week.

P.S. May God bless you more. 


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